The EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679. (GDPR) effective on 25 May 2018. Hereafter called the Law.

The Vereniging International Society for Animal Sciences, hereafter called ISAG, is a Society registered in The Netherlands. Chamber of Commerce number 30235351.

The Stichting International Foundation for Animal Genetics, hereafter called IFAG, is a Foundation registered in the Netherlands. Chamber of Commerce number 30232398.

The Board/Executive Committee of ISAG and the Board of IFAG are considered as the controllers and to be responsible for the enforcement of the Law. Contact: Secretary, Sofia Mikko at

FASS, Inc., in Champaign, Illinois, USA, hereafter called FASS, is considered to be the processor of the majority of the data. Contact: Jeremy Holzner at

Other Processors involved:

. Wiley & sons, Oxford, UK, the publisher of the peer reviewed scientific journal Animal Genetics.

. Schuiteman Accountants, Veenendaal, The Netherlands. This office prepares the society and foundation annual financial reports.


ISAG and IFAG are obliged and willing to protect the privacy of the individual members of the Society. Therefore, ISAG and IFAG adopted a set of rules to do so. These rules are based on the EU General Data Protection Regulation, effective from May 25th 2018.

ISAG and IFAG are collecting and using some of your personal data for the operation of the Society. With reference to the collection, management, protection and conservation of data we will use the term “processing “ of personal data.

Importantly, this statement describes how personal data is shared with third parties for the purpose of facilitating member access to our Journal Animal Genetics or for handling registration and payments to our conferences.

The General Protection Data Regulation requires clarity of roles for controllers and processors of personal data. In the context of our Society these are defined as follows

. Controllers.

Both the Board of ISAG and the Board of IFAG serve as controllers, as they have the responsibility over the personal data collected and how data are managed.

. Processors.

Any organisations or teams holding a signed processor’s agreement with the controllers to use personal data for specific aims. For our society and foundation, this involves at least three processors. The first is FASS (Champaign, Illinois, USA) who handles administrative processes concerned with society membership, conference registration and website maintenance. The second is Schuiteman Accountants (Veenendaal, The Netherlands) who prepares the society and foundation annual financial reports. The third is John Wiley & Sons (Oxford, UK) who provide access to the journal Animal Genetics as a service afforded to paid individual membership of the society.

. Which data are collected.

The personal data we are processing:



Telephone number

Organization or company of employment and/or job title

Email address

Credit card data

Optional: to have your contact and demographic information shared on the ISAG website.

. Protection of personal data by controller and processors.

ISAG and IFAG will take all precautions, including administrative, technical, organizational and physical measures to prevent the risk of any loss, theft, unauthorized access, alteration or destruction of personal data. At ISAG conferences or other ISAG/IFAG meetings, computers have to be shut down when leaving them unattended, to avoid unauthorized access. At the processor’s regular place of business, passwords must be changed at least twice a year and computers must be screen locked or shut down when unattended.

. Confidentiality.

Duty of the controllers is to inform Board members and ex-officio Board members about the confidentiality of personal data.

Persons authorised by processors to have access to personal data have committed themselves to confidentiality. Any Processor has to declare that co-workers have been informed about the confidentiality of personal data.

. Your duties.

You must ensure that the data you provide us with, is: correct, accurate, current, truthful and compliant with any applicable laws.

. Storage of data.

.Membership data is stored for as long as an individual remains member of ISAG. At the end of the membership the data will be removed from the website within one month. Data from previous members will be stored for two years. For non members (for example non-member Conference participants) data is removed from the website within one month after the Conference and stored for one year.

. Legal obligations. To satisfy financial and tax regulation, has to be stored seven years

. Protection of minors.

. ISAG and IFAG understand the importance of protecting the privacy of children. In this regard, our sites are not intentionally designed for, nor intended for minors under the age of 16. However we are not able to check if a visitor is older than 16.

. Selling of personal data.

. Neither ISAG nor IFAG sells personal data to third parties. Processors operate in accordance with a signed agreement stipulating they are not allowed to sell any personal data.

. Contact between members.

. ISAG members have the possibility to contact other members. This enables the members to contact each other to foster scientific collaboration and the exchange of knowledge. On the website of ISAG is a page “Member search” which can be used for this goal. As soon as membership ends, the previous member will not have access to this information. On this webpage also the Data of Institutional members are shown.

. Sharing Data.

ISAG and IFAG are sharing some of your personal data with:

1.The Publisher of the Journal Animal Genetics, being:

John Wiley & Sons, 9600 Garsington Rd Oxford OX4 2DQ UK.

Only name, membership number and E mail address are shared. The publisher needs these data because members do have free online access to this Journal.

2.The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) from the upcoming ISAG Conference.

Information shared are name, address, and e mail address. This Committee needs these data to invite and to update the ISAG- members about the Conference.

. Photo’s, video’s and Curriculum Vitae.

ISAG will not publish photo’s or video’s on the website. Neither from people attending Conferences nor from individual persons.

There will be a few exceptions:

1.On the website of ISAG to introduce nominated persons standing for (re-) election in the Board of ISAG or in the Editorial Team of the Journal Animal Genetics. A photo and a Curriculum Vitae can be requested.

2. On the website from a Conference to announce invited Guest speakers. Photo and CV can be requested.

3. On Posters from ISAG during a Conference. To make some people known to participants of a Conference, posters may contain individual photos.

For these exceptions, for any event, a written and undersigned permission from the person(s) involved will be necessary. And regarding the exceptions the photos and Curriculum Vitae will be removed after the event within two weeks. Posters will be destroyed within two weeks after the Conference.

. Data Protection Officer.

ISAG and IFAG have appointed a DATA PROTECTION OFFICER. This Officer can be contacted in any situation where a person wants to send his/her complaints about the maintenance of the privacy. For ISAG/IFAG this Officer is:

Prof. Martien Groenen from Wageningen, the Netherlands.

. The Rights and Claims.

In the event that a person involved in this statement and is considering that the rules of the Law are not correct or not completely followed up, he/she can send a claim the Data Protection Officer who is appointed by the controllers (ISAG and IFAG).

A number of specific rights can be claimed:

  1. The right to see which data have been collected from the claiming person. In the events that FASS (the processor) is performing the Registration (either in full or in part) for an ISAG Conference or Workshop or any other Meeting these data have to be included.
  2. The right to change and to correct your data if something is incorrect.
  3. The right to know with whom or with which company or with which Organizers the data have been shared
  4. The (ex) member has the right to request to stop using the previous data (no removal is required)
  5. The request to REMOVE ALL data present in any system under control of ISAG and IFAG

. Leaking of data.

In the event that either the controllers (ISAG and IFAG) or a processor (e.g. FASS, Schuiteman and Wiley) gets information about any leakage of personal data they immediately have to make this known to:

De Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP)

Bezuidenhoutseweg 30 2594AV Den Haag

Tel 088 1805 255


In English: Dutch DPA Tel + 31 70 888 8500

. Health, religion, gender.

ISAG and IFAG are not collecting any data about these items.

Neither in the Membership Registration form or in a Conference Registration form not any of these data will be requested. The only exception will be when a participant is asking for special meals, based on health or religion. These data will not be published anywhere and will be removed within weeks after the Conference.

. The use of cookies.

The ISAG website uses cookies to support the login function. Basically, the user/computer/browser needs to be uniquely identified from one request (page load) to the next so it can keep them logged in during their session. Otherwise, they should have to log in again every time they click a link or refresh a page on the website.

The website does the same (FASS e-commerce website).

Both sites also use a small cookie simply to test whether or not the user is not blocking cookies.

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