The deadline for voting has passed!

As decided at the 2023 general meeting, we are holding an election to fill a new position on the executive committee. This new position is in response to survey respondents asking for additional activities directed toward ECS career development in our society. Three individuals have submitted their applications, and an election is underway. The election outcome will be announced at or before the 2024 general business meeting.

Duties of the ECS Representative

  1. Represent early career researchers in the animal genetics field on the ISAG executive committee
  2. Serve as chair of a committee to organize a workshop dedicated to professional development and recognition for early career researchers. The ECR representative is expected to develop their own plan for this workshop. The following suggestions are based on input summarized from the member survey:
    1. Talks by outstanding early researchers presenting their own research
    2. Training workshops, especially to include, but not limited to, new technologies
    3. Professional development or skills development

Term of Service
The ECR representative will be elected as part of the process currently used for electing new members to the ISAG executive committee and will serve through two ISAG conferences as all new members (four years), with the exception of the first such election.

Elections are being held for one (1) position as executive committee member.

Current Committee Members:

  • Christopher Tuggle: President, second term (2027)
  • Klaus Wimmers: Treasurer, first term (2025)
  • Sofia Mikko: Executive Secretary, second term (2025)
  • Tosso Leeb: member, second term (2025)
  • Sabine Hammer: member, second term (2027)
  • Richard Crooijmans: member, first term (2027)
  • Leslie Lyons: member, first term (2027)

To vote, log in on the right side of this page. Only ISAG Individual Members are allowed to vote.

Candidates for the ECS Position (one vote allowed)

Animal breeding coordinator
Breeding Insight
Ithaca, NY, USA
Application and CV

Assistant professor
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA, USA
Application and CV

Associate professor
Northwest A&F University
Xianyang, Shaanxi, China
Application and CV
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