Michel A.J. Georges receiving the Honorary Membership Award from ISAG Secretary Ingrid Olsaker


Michel A.J. Georges receiving the Honorary Membership Award from ISAG Secretary Ingrid Olsaker


Alan Archibald receiving the Fellow of the Society Award from ISAG President Ernie Bailey


Susan Lamont receiving the Fellow of the Society award from ISAG President Ernie Bailey


Johann-Nikolaus (Jan) Meyer receiving the Fellow of the Society award from ISAG President Ernie Bailey


Cecilia Penedo receiving the Fellow of the Society Award from ISAG President Ernie Bailey


Hein van Haeringen receiving the Fellow of the Society Award from ISAG President Ernie Bailey


Outgoing ISAG President Ernie Bailey with ISAG Treasurer Christian Looft and incoming ISAG President James Kijas (far right)


Outgoing ISAG Director Max Rothschild with ISAG President Ernie Bailey


2016 ISAG Conference Poster Award winners


2016 ISAG Conference Poster Award winners


2016 ISAG Conference Chair Clare Gill with ISAG President Ernie Bailey

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